Saturday, August 03, 2002

*depressed mode*


i was about to send an e-mail to PC... i wasn't able to fnish it... ergo.. didn't send it... had just written about 2 sentences when all the things he said to me came rushing back again... and then i felt this pain on my chest and i couldn't type another word... i couldn't fucking believe it.. i couldn't fucking believe that i was crying again in front of my stupid monitor... first i thought that maybe the reason why i was crying was because i wasn't over him... but then.. i realized that i wasn't really that... it was more of ..."why things like this always happen to me".... that someone i care about simply vanishes in my life... and when i say vanish... that's what really happens... they cease to exist in my life... sometimes it feels like they were just a figment of my imagination... but then the dream is over and now i'm fully awake... but it still hurts and the memories are still locked in my mind...

wish i could just delete them in my system.



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