Sunday, June 16, 2002

don't play with fire.. or you'll get burned...

i've never had a bestfriend... sad isn't it? i have lots of friends, don't get me wrong... but.. never really one that i could consider as my BEST... i don't know... i mean.. i guess i'm not a good listener (?)... or i can't relate well (?).. or i don't give good advice (?).. i don't know exactly why... maybe it's all of those...

you can't miss something you've never had... so i wasn't really bothered by this not-having-a-bestfriend-thing... only when it's brought up...

maybe because i don't let anyone get that close to me... it's scary to think that someone can know you inside-out.. know what you're feeling... what you're thinking... hmmmmmm ahhhhh next topic pls ^_^

i should be sleeping *tsk*.. but here i am WIDE awake @_@

you know why? cause i'm bothered with this thought:

it's amazing how some people can be so unaffected by the word....... "love"
it's amazing how they could just say it out loud without meaning anything by it..

it amazesssssssss me why i still get affected even after knowing all this.
would somebody pleaseeeeeee shout to me ... "ASA KA PUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"

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