it's the 3rd trailer countdown! and the movie.. ooooh, i'm so excited! wait.. is it also on the 21st here in Manila? hmm.. forgot to google that one.. i hope it issss.. ei.. that's Akel's wedding.. hmm.. akel's wedding? or twilight movie? hahaha joke lang Akel *mwah*.. you know i'll go to your wedding (after watching the first showing of Twilight hihihi)..
i've read all the 4 books now.. but i do have to say the first book was THE best.. the second i liked because of the Jacob part (didn't realize he would be such a BIG character).. yeah,.. i'm ALWAYS for the underdog so I'm Team Jacob all the way but after reading a draft of Midnight Sun.. i think i'm starting to appreciate Edward more..(the draft is found in hope Stephenie Meyer finishes and publishes it.. i kinda like Edward's perspective more than Bella's now.. the 3rd and 4th book wasn't that bad.. it's just not great.. or maybe because i was getting sick of Bella's thoughts so it was a relief to read Jacob's POV for once. his thoughts are hilarious. much more credible and infinitely more entertaining.
i still can't get enough of Twilight.. for the first time, i'm re-reading a book! never ever done that. but i can't seem to let go. bwahahaha. (oh boy i'm losing it) let's just say i'm preparing for the movie so i'm keeping it fresh on my mind. harharhar.
anyhoo..tsugtsug just gave me the scariest day of my life so far.. scarier than when i cracked my head on a meralco post and walked bleeding to an emergency room.. scarier than the time i saw a black shadow in our house and i asked my ate chary if she sees ghosts and she said 'what? the black thing?'.. and definitely scarier than the morning after i found out i vomitted on my father's shoes and was passed out on our bathroom floor(oh okay.. that's a cloooose second)... tsugtsug got his first fever. huhuhuhuh. that afternoon i told ate chary his head felt hotter than usual.. i gave him paracetamol drops then he just threw up the medicine AND everything inside his tummy with the farthest projectile i've ever seen from him.. waaaaah. i did what all first time mothers do when there babies get sick.. i called my mommy!
his temperature got higher and higher.. but TG the highest was only 38.5.. his Pedia, Ate AnnaMae said to me.. paano kung 39 pa yan ano? baka maging hysterical ka na ehehe.. i actually was pretty calm.. i only like really expressed my feelings to annamae the day after.. i told her i couldn't breathe normally, like i was hyperventillating.. and i didn't know i was capable of not sleeping but i was! my mom and i were up all night just holding and carrying tsugtsug.. was finally able to give him drops at around 2:30 am and his fever went down after that.. 2 days later, rashes appeared but his fever was gone.. now, his rashes are almost invisible but i may never be the same. LOL. i don't know how i'll be able to handle if tsugtsug becomes sick again!
he's 5 months now.. (he got sick on his 5th month birthday) and i'll soon be able to give him solids! i'll try starting with a banana.. or some organic cereal first.. oooh so excited.
he's so hyper now.. can't even change his diaper without him rolling on his own poop.. he likes to sit up then suck his toes.. he likes to be held up so he can practice standing up.. but he's still not sleeping through the night but i'm okay with that now.. i mean, he's a pretty cheerful baby, not that hard to take care of so if that means i have to wake up thrice a night to sway him to sleep,.. that's fine with me.
another month and we're back to SG.. (if everything goes as planned..) then i'll have to take care of tsugtsug all by myself ( i mean, when Pangs is at work).. hopefully the 6 month period with my parents prepared me enough. oh well.. kakayanin na lang talaga.
sige.. still have to YouTube twilight.. am watching the comic con interview hehehe.
the showing of twilight in the philippines is the same! yey!

O M G!! The best part about this is once i get to singapore, i can watch twilight again bwahahahaha
naiintriga naman ako sa story ng twilight.. hehe.. pasend naman ng files gewi.. =D thanks thanks!
gewiiii i missed u and tsugtsug in SG (and bintan). thanks to mon and jeff and anshe for being gracious hosts.
btw, nice bike. hehe
haha@reeyuh! i'm glad someone still enjoys my bike ehehe.
onga, di mo ko hinintay eh!
janey.. sent!
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